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We are an Import group, sourcing for items from China, shipping in items from Shein , Amazon & Dubai. For Shein, Amazon & Dubai, you share with us your shopping list or links of items from respective website, we send you a shipping in quotation thereafter which will include the buying price of the item and shipping in cost.
We run orders monthly, and we have two shipment dates which are 16th and 1st of every month.
Goods are sold on pre-order basis and we deliver Countrywide.
Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)
Minimum Order Quantity required by the supplier in order for us to place the order.
Free on Board (FOB)
It is paid before goods are sent for shipping . It is EXCLUSIVE of the shipping/Freight charges.
FREIGHT/SHIPPING COST is the shipping cost incurred per item/piece and is paid once the goods have arrived in Kenya.
LANDING PRICE is price INCLUSIVE of Freight /shipping cost.
We Ship Via
Air Takes 2-3 weeks after the import date.
Sea takes approximately 45-60 days after the import day.